Friday, May 13, 2011

Fun With Layouts

After spending what totaled a disgusting amount of time, I was finally able to put together a floorplan of my back garden space.  It might be another year or two before I create the other two (front garden, parking garden) unless I get a lot faster at this.

Double Click for Larger View

Anyhow here it is!  This is what I prattle on about over and over and over and over.  But I figured it would be nice to see the entirety, which is impossible in a picture.  (click to make a reasonable size). The best I can get is from the guestroom window.. I am not climbing a tree to get the opposite view!  This is the garden inside the white picket fence, and the liriope in the beds right outside the picket fence.

Click For Larger View

I spy with my little eye:
-8 rose bushes and 1 climbing rose
-1 jasmine vine
-12 monstrous liriopes
-4 ugly varigated ligustrums whose days are numbered and who will be replaced by boxwoods and roses
-2 tree like chinese ligustrums
-1 palm tree
-5 hydrangeas
-2 potted japanese maple trees
-2 nelly moser clematis
-3 holly ferns
-1 autumn fern
-1 large fatsia bush
-1 sum and substance monster hosta
-1 beautyberry bush
-lots of sunny perennials on the southern exposure
-little grill
-1 tree stump, from sayonara to southern magnolia
-godawful furnace, and much less conspicuous heat pump
-lots of creeping mazus on the way up the path to the statue (who is conspicuously missing - I can put in a compost pile, a dog house and storage locker, but no statue...some programs are not brilliant)


  1. oh goody goody a long shot of your garden! wow that is great, jess! i know you will love spending time out there. it is beautiful!

  2. Wow, it looks really great. IT is amazing how many plants you were able to fit in there. I especially like all the foliage plants around the palm tree.

  3. Amazing! I love seeing this view. Can't wait to see it in person.

  4. Very nice. I've often thought of doing a layout of my garden, but I'm not very good at all that measuring stuff. I love the way your garden surrounds your patio area.

  5. I've played with software like that before. I started out sketching the garden for our last house, and then tried transferring it to a computer program. Elevation changes I remember were the hardest to figure out, so with our slopes here I haven't even tried! If you can get the programs to work they're great for helping to visualize how something might look, but always seem to be missing key elements. Glad you didn't add a storage locker to the plan ;) Except for missing the statue, it looks great!

  6. Daracia - I do love spending time out there. I do wish the patio itself was a lot smaller... but it was here before I was, so I have to make due with what I've got for now.

    Masha - you have no idea how many plants are stuffed in there... I only named the big ones!!!! It actually is a reasonable sized space. When I moved in I calculated that I had 400 sq ft or so of dirt to fill back there. The picture sort of condenses the total length of things (and cuts off the first 10 feet).

    Compost - you are definitely welcome. I think all us Charleston garden bloggers need to meet each other!

    HolleyGarden - I've tried doing the layouts at least 3 times. Its a pain in the butt.

    Clare - hmmm. I never even thought about elevation... the highest elevation we have around here are the bridges between the islands :).

  7. Looks great. The curved paving makes a wonderful garden structure and nice negative space for beds.

  8. Looks great and I look forward to seeing more of the garden plan and the patio

  9. Dear Jess, I am so impressed by your plan, and your photo and list of plants! Time well spent = not disgusting! I keep meaning to get up on a ladder to take the nearest possible thing to an aerial photo (there's no upstairs). cheers, cm

  10. Fantastic job Jess. I've tried drawing out my property on paper and even did some Paint program drawings but they're hideous compared to this. Your patio is so lovely and all the foliage surrounding it makes it so private. Nice to see where the statue is in relation to other things.

  11. I love both the aerial view and the diagram, Jess. It's great to get this overall view of your garden. The palm tree really makes an impressive focal point from that upstairs window. -Jean

  12. WOW! What a beautiful patio. Dreamy!

  13. A beautiful garden! Impressive Pala
    I have a small but at home .. different climate.
    great ..I greet the Polish :)
